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UNS N06625Composition|Technology|Performance|Application

UNS N06625Composition|Technology|Performance|Application


N06625/No6625 is a Ni-Cr based solid solution strengthened deformed superalloy. It is a solid solution strengthened nickel based deformed superalloy with molybdenum and niobium as the main strengthening elements. It has a service temperature of 950°C and has good performance from low temperature to 980°C. It has good tensile properties and fatigue properties, processing and welding properties. The alloy has excellent corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance, and is resistant to stress corrosion in salt spray atmosphere. Therefore, N06625/No6625 can be widely used in the manufacture of engine parts, aerospace structural components and chemical equipment. A variety of plates, bars, tubes, and forgings are available.

N06625/No6625 Features and Performance: N06625/No6625 alloy has a very low corrosion rate in both marine and non-marine environments. It has good resistance to seawater corrosion and corrosion resistance to various salt solutions. It has good corrosion resistance to HNO3 phosphoric acid and is resistant to heating to the boiling point. The following HCl and low-concentration sulfuric acid are also quite resistant. The alloy will undergo age hardening after long-term use at 550-700°C, which can lead to some decrease in the plasticity of N06625/No6625 alloy.

N06625/No6625 implementation standards:


N06625/No6625 corresponding grades:

National brand number: NS3306, NS336, GH3625, GH625, 0Cr22Ni60Mo9Nb4, German brand number: 2.4856.NiCr22Mo9Nb, American brand number N06625/No6625, N06625/No6625.

N06625/No6625 chemical composition:

Carbon C: ≤0.10, Silicon Si: 0.50, Manganese Mn: ≤0.50, Phosphorus P: ≤0.015, Sulfur S: ≤0.015, Nickel Ni: balance, Chromium Cr: 20~23, Molybdenum Mo: 8.0~10.0, Iron Fe: ≤5.0, aluminum AL: ≤0.40, titanium Ti: ≤0.40, niobium Nb: 3.15-4.15, copper Cu: ≤0.070.

N06625/No6625 is processed by welding: This alloy has high resistance to high temperature deformation. The general processing temperature is 1170 degrees, the large deformation is 1010~1170 degrees, and the micro deformation can be carried out above 930 degrees. The cold working and cold forming operation is good. Heat treatment is generally at 1093~1204 degrees. Welding performance is good.

N06625/No6625 physical properties: density: 8.44, non-magnetic, melting point 1288~1349, specific heat capacity: 410~460 J/kg.K, thermal conductivity: 0.92~1.74 W (m.K).

N06625/No6625 Application: It can be used in aviation equipment, and can also be used for seawater pitting corrosion, chloride stress corrosion resistance, F-phosphoric acid resistance, etc., such as manufacturing thin-walled containers and pipe fittings, corrosion-resistant pipes, reactors, heat exchangers and Valve parts, etc.

Quick reading of comprehensive properties of 625 alloy and N06625 alloy
Alloy 625 (UNS N06625) is an austenitic super heat-resistant alloy with nickel as the main component. It has excellent properties of extensive resistance to oxidation and corrosion, and is suitable for use in jet engine environments, as well as aviation and chemical processing. Many fields. The alloy also has extraordinary fatigue resistance at temperatures as low as 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit (1,093 degrees Celsius).

The strength of 625 alloy comes from the solid solution strengthening effect of molybdenum and niobium contained in the nickel-chromium alloy. These elements also give the alloy excellent corrosion-resistant properties. While the alloy is designed for strength in high-temperature environments, its highly alloyed composition gives it a high degree of resistance to general corrosion as well as resistance to a wide range of oxidizing and non-oxidizing environments. The chromium and molybdenum content make the alloy have excellent resistance to corrosion spots caused by chloride ions, and the high nickel content enhances the alloy's resistance to chloride stress corrosion cracking.

625 alloy can be produced by vacuum magnetic induction melting method or argon oxygen decarburization (AOD) method. For further refining, consumable electrode redissolution can be used.

The material is highly formable and easier to weld than many nickel-based alloys. Even when being welded, the alloy remains resistant to intergranular corrosion.


ASTM.............B 443

ASME................SB 443


Chemical analysis

Chemical analysis (weight %)

Corrosion and oxidation resistance

The high content of chromium and molybdenum in 625 alloy provides the alloy with a high degree of resistance to corrosion stains and fission corrosion. It has anti-corrosion effects in chloride-contaminated media such as seawater, neutral salts and salt water.


Alloy 625 can be formed like standard austenitic stainless steel. The material is much stronger than traditional austenitic stainless steel, requiring higher loads to deform it. When cold worked, this material hardens faster than austenitic stainless steel. If extensive cold deformation occurs, the material may require intermediate annealing due to its initial high strength and rapid work hardening.


Alloy 625 can be directly processed using the same traditional processing procedures as austenitic stainless steel, including welding and resistance methods. Before welding, the material should be completely free of dirt and cleaned under factory annealing conditions. Preheating and post-welding treatments are not required to maintain or restore the material's corrosion resistance.

Application areas


Aerospace vehicle components

Chemical processing equipment

Nuclear water reaction building blocks
UNS N06625Composition|Technology|Performance|ApplicationUNS N06625Composition|Technology|Performance|Application
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